Residential Solar System Installation

5 Compelling Reasons to Consider Installing Residential Solar Panels

Here in Brisbane, we’ve been gearing up for spring, and before we know it, the summers will be here! In the time of unbearable heat and, coupled with rising energy bills, things can get pretty out of hand. Solar panels can be a great way to reduce the energy costs, and minimise the environmental impact of your residence as well. Moreover, installing residential solar panels in Brisbane also supports local businesses and contributes to energy self-reliance as well.

Having said that, let’s have a look at how installing solar panels at home can be a game-changing decision:

Reduce Energy Bills Considerably

Most parts of Australia receive an abundant amount of sun, and with a residential solar system installation, you can generate enough electricity to run air conditioning, and other heavy electrical appliances with ease!

Keep in mind that rooftop solar panels can continue to draw energy even in the cloudy days. So, irrespective of whether it is diffused or direct sunlight, the solar panels will still help to power your residence comfortably.

Earn Tax Credits and Local Rebates

What most homeowners fail to realise is that installing solar systems can “pay you” instead of you “paying for the electricity”.


Let us clarify! There are numerous tax benefits to installing residential solar panels. For instance, you can benefit from government rebates and several financial incentives – making your solar system installation highly cost-effective. Furthermore, with FITs (Feed-in Tariffs) available, homeowners can now receive payments for excess electricity generated by their solar PV systems, as the excess amount will be sent back to the grid.

It’s a win-win situation, already!

Enjoy Less to Zero Maintenance Costs

Another crucial aspect of residential solar system installation is the negligible to zero maintenance costs. Solar panel are not extremely reliable power source, but also highly durable, lasting up to 25 years or even more. Thus, consider investing only once and reap its numerous benefits. The least you’re required to do is clean the solar panels routinely (once a week would suffice), so that they are free of dust and you can generate maximum solar power.

Solar Panels Take Up Less Space to Install

One of the untold benefits of using residential solar panels is that they require very little space to set up. So, even if you reside in a tiny, cosy home (tiny homes in Australia are a trend now!), the panels can easily be mounted on the roof of your house. Even if you need more solar panels installation in the future, a small frame structure is all you need to accommodate more panels.

Increase the Value of your Property

Yes! The value of installing residential solar panels in Brisbane goes way beyond the benefits mentioned above. As installing solar systems make your home energy-efficient and shows your commitment towards a greener energy – your home value automatically increases. A great option if you’re thinking of putting up your property for sale in the near future!

Consider Residential Solar System Installation From Solaking

If you’re committed towards energy independency and contributing to a greener planet, there’s no opportune time to install residential solar panels in Brisbane from the best solar company in Gold Coast – Solaking. Call 0413813893 to get a quote. Got any queries? We’re here for you at